Please notice that not all of our clients provide feedback. All the testimonials below have been anonymised.


Springboard completely made me re-address the way my CV should work for me. I will now tailor my CV for each job and I have more confidence in my skills. Client U001
It was useful to do a skills audit which helped to focus on job families. The best part of the sessions was the feedback from the advisor.Client U003
Springboard has helped me to gain knowledge of what opportunities there are to me and how I would get them.Client U004
It helped me to think about my skills as opposed to my experience, it gave me a framework to think about what I want. The best parts of the sessions were the one-to-one conversations. Thank-you!Client U005
It gave me a bit more confidence with changing details on my CV and updating me with how it should look e.g. bullet points, dates etc. The advisor was very approachable.Client U006
I didn’t know where to start of what direction to look when I started, but Springboard has helped me focus my search and I feel confident about my CV, job search and skills. The best part was the one-to-one discussions, the friendly advice and guidance and the ability to get exactly what you want out of the sessions. Thanks you for an invaluable service. I have found this a very helpful experience.Client U009
It was particularly helpful the advisor was willing to meet outside office hours. The best part was reworking and rewording my embryo CV. It has been extremely useful. It’s a shame more people are not aware of the help Springboard provides.Client U010
I received practical help with CV writing which means I have a clearer understanding of how to put one together and use it. I now have a framework to build on as I go forward with self-employment. The best part was having an objective listener who helped me frame my thoughts and write a plan.Client U011
Springboard helped me to clarify what I needed to do. The best part was pulling together a relevant CV and action plan.Client U016
Springboard helped me to understand my skills both task and people related.Client U017
I now have techniques and ideas to help give me guidance and relief. I understand more about my psychology and am able to control it more (or at least beginning to).Client U024
Addressed my specific concerns and anxieties with clear and achievable ideas and answers. Client T001
Validates choices, made options clearer. Thanks. Client T003
Springboard has helped me focus my applications and made me feel more confident about applying for a range of jobs. Best part was the interview practice and making a master CV. Client T007
They helped me get through my college course, increase my confidence, become more independent and explore thoughts/feelings. Client T009
Well worth coming and making the effort to address issues. Thank-you. Client T010
I found all 3 sessions helpful. It helped me to clarify what I really want to do. Client T011
I revised my CV so that is reflects my skills and aptitudes more accurately. The “Job Advert” exercise was useful and encouraging. Client T014
I have an action plan to break the “RUT” I am in, and now actions to complete which will enable me to start my life off again. Client T017
The best part was the CV and talking about cover letter and jobs. Client T020
The best part was getting my CV done. Client T022
The best part was the positive and relevant advice given to improve my chances when applying for employment. Client T030
Thank you very much. This is a service which cannot be done without. EBC should promote it more so that more people can benefit from this brilliant service. The helpfulness and knowledge of the staff is outstanding. She knew what I needed to do and helped me to achieve this. I move forward with confidence. Client T031
The best part was the wide ranging nature of what we covered. Client T033
Springboard helped me to see what I need to focus on, and to have a plan. The best part was the holistic approach, the explanation and feedback. Client T034
The sessions were useful in a practical sense, CV etc., but what made it more useful was being able to talk around the practicalities. Client T036
Enabled me to analyse my experience and skills gained over a long career and recognise what transferable skills I have. Client T037
It helped me find a way forward and develop a plan of action. A highly valuable and productive organisation, and enjoyable. Client T040
Helped me realise the skills I’ve actually got. Client T041
I have updated my cv and have a much clearer picture of where to go from here with finding a job and the future. Client T043
It was useful for ways of searching for careers and what they involve, preparing your cv to suit potential employers. Having someone help give advice and other options. Client T045
I feel much more confident to go on my computer course. Doing a CV wasn’t as bad as I expected. Client T046
It has made me thing in a more realistic way and to put my ideas down onto paper. The discussions were very useful and appropriate. Client T029
It helped clarify to me where my skills are, what motivates me, and what my options are to utilise both these things not just in potential careers, but in my life in general. I now also have a master CV that will make applying for any job a much easier process than before.It helped clarify to me where my skills are, what motivates me, and what my options are to utilise both these things not just in potential careers, but in my life in general. I now also have a master CV that will make applying for any job a much easier process than before. Client T024
The best parts was hearing the counsellors reflections on what I was saying so I could understand myself more. Talking ideas or plans through with Penny and “feeling” if they were right or not for me. Client T047
I have found it difficult to acknowledge my job situation and what I need to progress, the counsellor has helped me feel comfortable and identify areas of work life/social life that can work to my benefit. The best parts was getting feedback, exploring the opportunities to think more freely rather than being rigid. Client T048
Managed to get my CV reviewed and updated. Best part was getting keywords that employers are looking for in CV’s. Client T055
The sessions allowed me to re-evaluate what I wanted from the remainder of my life. Client S02/60
A very useful 3-session course that focussed my mind on the task in hand, finding a new job is not easy and this helped to focus on what I needed to do in terms of preparation. Client S04/-
Evaluation of my skills enables me to look at areas of opportunity that I would not have considered. Client S06/63
I’ve never had a CV before – now I’ve got one! Excellent service for me trying to get back to work. Client S07/64
Made me realise that the skills I have gained over the last 15 years as a stay-at-home mum were ones I could take with me to the workplace. Springboard has given me the confidence that I was looking for at a time when I didn’t know where to go. Client S09/65
Made me think about ideas on what I need to do to move forward. Client S10/66
Explanations via diagram help to see a clearer path forward. Client S11/-
Made me evaluate my position and choices & clarify what I should be doing. Best part was condensing and summarising my comments into a rational plan of action. Also I have a CV now! Client S13/-
I learnt more about my CV and where it’s going wrong. Also discussed career options and what doesn’t and does motivate me. Client S14/-
I have used the software packages to match my skills and personality to types of jobs. I have put together as new CV and set time objectives for myself for getting back to work. Thank you! I have enjoyed the sessions and found them to be extremely useful. Client S15/-
Made an excellent CVClient S16/68
Mock interview very helpful. Client S17/69
(useful to have) someone to talk to face-to-face. I have found the information helpful in re-grouping my personal circumstance and give me back direction to aim for. Client S19/-
(best parts) good pacing, friendly, respectful of my needs. Client S23/-
Useful – looking at my values, making a workable action plan, motivating. Client S26/71
I feel more confident to look at and update my CV / attend interview and look at my career choices. Client S31/73
Allowed me to focus. To write ‘goals’ and timescales. Client S36/74
Gave me info I didn’t have before – strengths and skills. Also it matched jobs to me it also gave me ideas and starting points to look at careers – rather than just a job. Also looking at how to tailor CV’s to fit specific job roles which I hadn’t realised before. Client S37/75
Useful – to have a professional and up to date CV and cover letter. After going through my CV with you I realised how much experience I have. Client S39/76
Help in highlighting areas I could improve upon and gave up-to-date interview experience. Client S41/77
The people listened, helped and really cared. Client S44/79
Useful in helping me re-do my CV. They are a very helpful team of people who have helped me in the sessions very much. Client S48/81
Job suggestions helped me see the sort of person I am. Looking at skills helped me improve my CV. Client S49/82
Helped me to identify that I have more skills than I thought. Client S50/-
I had the time to speak about my issues related to my job-search and David helped me a lot. Client S51/83
It was useful to have someone help me see more of my skills and to help me focus. Client S55/-
Excellent service, very professional and friendly. Client S58/85
It motivated me to work on myself, my CV. I have a lot better CV than I had before and I know what I have to expect from interview. Client S59/86
Getting to the roots of what motivates me within a job and what I want to get out of a job. Client S60/-
One to one contact, opportunity to ask questions, clarify information. Client S61/-
Confidence building, able to identify additional skills, help in being reflective. Client S63/-
I feel a lot more confident in myself about applying for a job. Client S64/88
Learning methods to analyse experiences leading to identifying skills. Client S65/-
Being able to communicate openly and honestly with Neil. Client S67/89
It made me realise what I need to move forward. Client S77/-
Thank you for enabling me to look beyond where I am now and to see a wider range of possibilities than I was aware of. Client S80/97
The sessions were useful as I was able to think about what direction I would like to go in, how to match my CV to a job and the sessions also boosted my confidence to achieve my aims. Client S81/-
Excellent sessions from my advisor. Consistent feedback to my questions about CV building and how to utilise skills. Client S82/98
Best part of session was I learnt more about myself. Client S83/99

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